Our Organisation

The Soroptimist International
Africa Federation

The African Federation currently comprises five regions: North Region, East Region, West Region, Central Region and South Region.

Our History

Brief History

The idea of an African Federation of Soroptimist was born in 1987 in Athens, Greece at a Congress with Gisela Freudenberg, Soroptimist International officer in charge of Extension in Africa (1987) and Nina Koumanakou who was then President of Soroptimist International of Europe (SIE). Present at the Congress were Soroptimists from some African countries.
Reflections towards the idea of an African Federation continued in 1989 at another SI Congress in Lugano, Switzerland with Nigeria's Adetoun Bally. In 1993, a preparatory meeting was held in Dakar, Senegal in the presence of SIGBI and SIE Presidents. Since then, regional meetings and general conferences where held every year, rotationally hosted by different African cities. At the Nairobi General Assembly in 2006, Boards were set up for sub regions.

2012 Nairobi

General Assembly

The 2012 General Assembly of Future African Federation was held in Nairobi, Kenya (22-24 March, 2012). During the conference, a Task Force Committee was inaugurated and mandated to carry on the efforts towards the formation of the African Federation.

2013 Abidjan

Representatives of the External Regions

Abidjan, Cote dâ Ivoire hosted the 2013 Western Region Conference in February. Representatives of other regions attended the conference. At that point in time there were 102 Soroptimist clubs within Africa. Since the 2006 Assembly, more new clubs have been chartered, and there are indications that more are in the early stages.


Our Leaders

The Soroptimist International African Federation (SIAF) is proud to present the first African Federation Board (AFB) members, elected for the 2025-2026 mandate.


Karen Amanuah KorsahRegional Vice President West [Ghana]

Liva Annick RahajasonRegional Vice President East [Madagascar]

Bernice MengotRegional Vice President Central [CAMERON]


Judith ApondoExtension & Membership Director [Kenya]

Josita QuenumFinance Director [Benin]

Martha PufongProgramme Action Director [Cameroon]

Zohra Turki TumisiaNorthern Region RVP [Tunisia]

Jalila MoufqiaImmediate Past President [MOROCCO]]

What we do...

Why am I Soroptimist

We are Soroptimist to help women and girls through different projects


Volunteers do not have necessarily time they just have the heart.

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Financial Empowerment

Volunteers do not have necessarily time they just have the heart.

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Sustainable environment

Volunteers do not have necessarily time they just have the heart.

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Food and health security

Volunteers do not have necessarily time they just have the heart.

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Fight against violence

Volunteers do not have necessarily time they just have the heart.

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Volunteers do not have necessarily time they just have the heart.

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Club Projects
Club members

How We Help

We Believe That We Can
Help more Women and Girls with You!

Our membership work on grassroots projects that help women and girls achieve their individual and collective potential,
realise aspirations and have an equal voice in communities worldwide.